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SnapApp Fundamentals: Data Sources

on 02-26-2024 08:13 PM by Spencer Holm


Data Sources: The Fundamentals

Explore and manage your data sources as described in the following sections:

What is a Data Source?

Data sources are any type of data store where you are currently holding data or wish to hold data. Currently Supported data stores are BigQuery, MySQL, Cloud Storage, MongoDB

It is best practice to give the least amount of access necessary.

Manage Data Sources

To Create a Data Source:

  1. Open settings from the User menu.
  2. Select Data Sources  from the Data dropdown menu.
  3. Select + Add New on the list view header.
  4. Select the Type of Data Store.
    Type Description
    BigQuery GCP Large Datawarehousing platform.
    Firestore Google no-sql storage platform.
    MySQL Relational database.
    Oracle Relational database.
    Postgres Open source realtional database.
    SQL Server Relational database.
    MongoDB No-sql database and document store.
    Google Workspace/ Sheets Cellular spreadsheet native to google workspace.
    Salesforce CRM platform and datastore.
    Google Cloud Storage Google cloud platform object store.
    AWS S3 Bucket Amazon web service object store.
    Pub/Sub Google cloud platform messaging service.
    Cloud Tasks Google cloud platform asynchronous task manager.
  5. Fill out all required fields.
  6. Hit Test Connection before saving to ensure proper configuration. If the connection fails make sure to double check required field values.
  7. Click Save to create the data store

Delete a Data Source

To delete a Data Source:

  1. Open settings from the User menu.
  2. Select Duplication Rules from the Access Control menu.
  3. Search for the Rule in the list that you want to delete.
  4. Click the delete button. To see the delete button, you must have Delete options on the objects in one of the permission sets assigned to your user role.

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