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SnapApp Fundamentals: Actions

on 02-22-2024 10:33 PM by Ethan Goldbeck


Actions: The Fundamentals

Create and manage your Actions as described in the following sections:

What is an Action?

Actions are the ordered steps a workflow will work through once triggered.

Add an Action to a Workflow

To add an Action to a workflow:

  1. Open settings from the User menu.
  2. Select Workflows from the Automation dropdown menu.
  3. Click + Add New in the top right of the actions table within the detailed view of the workflow.
  4. Fill out the required fields and hit Save.

Configure an Action

    Setting Description
    Name Name of the action
    Type Action type
    Object Target object for the action
    Description  Description of the action
    Workflow Sequence Order in which the actions trigger within the workflow
    Workflow ID The workflow to which the action is attached 
    Active Make the action active or inactive


  1. Email - Generate an Email notification 
  2. Field Update - Update a field within snapapp
  3. SMS - Send a text notificatoin
  4. Alert - Populate an in app alert
  5. Integration - Call an integration endpoint 
  6. Data Migration - Migrate data from an outside database
  7. Insert - Insert a row into an object within snapapp
  8. Document Generation - Generate a document based on data within snapapp
  9. Pub/Sub Inbound - Create a pubsub inbound message
  10. Pub/Sub Outbound - Create a pubsub outbound message
  11. Delete - Delete a record in an object within snapapp

Types Based Settings:

Action type
Type Setting Description
Email Body Name of the action
Email To Emails, CC, BCC Recipients of the email
Email Sender Email sender
Email                       Template ID Email template to use
Field Updates Target Object Object where the target field exsists
Field UpdatesTarget Columns The column to be updated
Field Updates Field Value The value to use in the update

View the action

To view the action configuration:

  1. Open settings from the User menu.
  2. Select Workflows from the Automation dropdown menu.
  3. Select the workflow containing your action
  4. Click on the action you wish to explore within the actions table

Delete an Action

To delete a Queue:

  1. Open settings from the User menu.
  2. Select Actions  from the Automation dropdown menu.
  3. Search for the Action in the list that you want to delete.
  4. Click the delete button. To see the delete button, you must have Delete options on the objects in one of the permission sets assigned to your user role.

This is where we will put a helpful tip.

Generate Text